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A New Culture of Learning

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Play, imagination, questioning, and intrigue. When was the last time you saw these things in action in a traditional classroom? Or, due to COVID-19, in recent hybrid or blended learning scenarios?


The previous year exposed and disparaged the “one size fits all” mechanized education system. In this system, memorizing and regurgitating facts is often believed to be a demonstration of learning. But unfortunately, this system also perpetuates the ideals of the industrial age and the preparing students for manufacturing or factory jobs. It has been suggested “factory owners require docile, agreeable workers to show up on time and do what their managers tell them” (Schrager, 2018). Current education practices and performing satisfactorily on a standardized test are good training for this scenario. However, lower-level manufacturing and factory jobs are dissipating while high-tech jobs of AI/Machine Learning Engineer, information security, software engineering are rising.  If the US education system relies on antiquated practices, how can we prepare students for a futuristic global market? Read more...

My Learning Philosophy

Over the years, I have had many functions and roles in education as a learner, teacher, and facilitator of learning or discovery. Each experience motivated me to eventually alter my perceptions and assist in formulating my current learning philosophy. Frankly, I don’t think I can classify myself operating in one specific learning theory genre. However, my approach fluctuates or alters based on the environment, the audience, or the subject matter. Read more...


Aligning Outcomes, Assessment, and Activities

Our company is undergoing a new phase of innovation and transformation to ensure that all members have training opportunities, equipping them with the skills and tools needed to succeed in education and knowledge of education laws. In their first three years, we found that either new to Texas or newly certified/alt-cert teachers request the most support. This course is specifically designed for this group.


Learning Environment & Situational Factors to Consider



BHAG: Upon completing this course, learners will identify and successfully implement the five high-yield instructional practices recommended to improve instructional rigor and relevance and dramatically improve student performance, known as The Fundamental 5. 


The Fundamental 5: Finks 3-Column

Understanding by Design

When creating a significant learning environment, planning to ensure the desired outcome of the learning objective is essential. In this course, we hand the opportunity to investigate Wiggins and McTighe’s Understanding by Design (UbD) and Fink’s 3-Column Table. Both planning guides are designed to begin with the end in mind. UbD’s design process focuses on teaching and assessing and is based upon three stages. Fink’s design process is based on various considerations centered on the learning environment and situational factors.


When comparing the two templates, I found UbD to be very time-consuming and tedious; I couldn’t see using this for daily lesson planning. However, I would possibly use it in unit planning. On the other hand, I favor Fink’s 3-column designs. I feel it affords more flexibility and fluidity. 


The Fundamental 5: UbD



The Fundamental 5: Finks 3-Column



The Growth Mindset Revisited

Organizational Culture: Cultivating an Environment that Nurtures Psychology Safety to Facilitate a Climate Conducive for the Growth Mindset.

In April 2021, as I studied Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset Philosophy, I struggled to apply it to a corporate or organizational setting. As a former educator, I can understand and evaluate my and other colleagues' mental and emotional posture related to the growth mindset philosophy. However, working in the corporate setting, the personification of our business was both challenging and eye-opening. I’ve learned that the “mindset” of an organization is its culture. Read more...



Fink, L. D. (2005). A Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning. Retrieved October 2021, from


Godin, S. (2012). Stop stealing dreams: Seth Godin at tedxyouth@bfs - youtube. Retrieved October 2021, from


Harapnuik, D. (2016, June). Mapping your learner’s journey. Retrieved September 2021, from


Laird, M., & Cain, S. (2011). The fundamental 5: The formula for quality instruction. CreateSpace Publishing.


Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2008). Understanding by design. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.



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